Photos by Sam Brumby (2015)
Photos by Sam Brumby (2015)

Sticky Fingers is a reggae fusion/indie rock band from Sydney, Australia. Live shows and experiences had at gigs are what inspired LPB so if you ever take anything away from this site, please let it be this: Check these guys out right now. Right now. This is not a drill. Stop what you’re doing. See them live – because you’ve GOT TO ride the wave produced by these tracks in a smoke-filled room alongside a dope community.

1. A Love Letter From Me to You

2. Cyclone 

3. These Girls 

This is the first StiFi song I had ever heard – still dope, still on repeat.

4.  Australia Street

Half these guys look like 90’s WWE Superstars and I fucking love it. Mick Foley on keys.

5. Gold Snafu 

6. Kiss the Breeze

7. Liquor Lip Loaded Gun

8. Eddy’s Song

9. Fake A Smile

10. Lazerhead

I want to lick this riff.

11. Oops – an 11th spot? The whole Caress Your Soul album? You’re welcome people. 

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